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We bought COMPLETE at 3C’s Simmental Sale in South Dakota. The boys and I spent 3 1/2 hours walking around scratching our heads, taking notes and meeting up to compare criticisms. We finally set our sights on this bull out of 234 head. Like I tell my customers, “When you find what you want, just keep bidding”…… and that’s what we did! COMPLETE was our physical choice and just happened to be the 2nd highest marbling and 4th highest gainer. Best money we ever spent. Sires long, deep, soft, perfect temperament and weigh like lead. No matter where we use him full fleck/Simangus/Red Angus …. He works!!! He just happens to pass on his marbling also. His first daughters will calve in Feb. I will show them to you but you ain’t buying them.




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Sired by MFI Moneytalker that we bought in Canada. His mother Sidra was an own daughter of Antonius. Sidra raised 17 calves in 13 years and never lost a week in production. Consistenly sires bulls that sell in the top 5 of the sale. Daughters are small framed , big ribbed, highly fertile and PERFECT UDDERED!

Semen exportable to Australia/New Zealand/Canada


Easy money daughter with 1st calf that weaned off at 80% of her body weight. No creep.